LocationNingbo( 宁波 ),Chinese RequiredYesExperience Required3 Years
QualificationBachelor DegreeSalary (Monthly CNY)15000 - 20000Contract TypeFull Time
Job FunctionsEducation, Teaching
About the school
The school situated in Ningbo is a private institution that offers a bilingual and comprehensive solution to Chinese families who desire a genuine international education for their children aged between 3 to 18 years, from kindergarten through to Year 12. The school combines the finest teaching techniques from the western education system with Chinese curriculum to provide a complete and equitable learning experience for its students, enabling them to join prestigious universities worldwide.
- 根据学校教学大纲和学生实际情况,制定合理的物理教学计划,确保教学质量
- 认真备课,准备教案,按照教学计划完成物理教学任务
- 关心学生的学习状况,及时了解学生的学习困难,提供必要的辅导和帮助
- 积极参与教研活动,与同事交流教学经验,共同提高教学水平
- 负责学生的平时测验、期中和期末考试等评价工作,对学生的学习状况进行科学评估
- 定期与家长沟通学生的学习情况,反馈学生在校表现,促进家校合作
- 参与学校相关活动, 配合学校完成其他相关工作
- 本科及以上物理专业
- 具有双语物理教学经验者优先
- 教师资格证
- 良好的交流能力,中英文流利
- 月薪15k-20k
- 带薪寒暑假
- 年终奖金